Linga Restaurant Operating System Feature Request Forum

Not a bug

iPads is stuck on offline

Kevin Cekani 4 years ago updated by Hardy Singh 3 years ago 3

I have two iPads and one of them says offline and the other is online. Every time I try to connect the one that is offline it also disconnects the other iPad and both of them get stuck offline. This is the second time this has happened. The one that is stuck offline will not print tickets or payments also. I have also talk to someone from support but still nothing has been resolved. 


Zenpepper scroll bar for modifier list

Ensar 4 years ago in Zenpepper/Zenfoody 0

Partner called regard to TUCCI'S SOUTHSIDE SUBS zenpepper website. He said there is no scroll bar in website which can indicate that there is more items available

Like in this photo No indication that there is more items available if they scroll up/down. This kind of scroll bar he asked for.


covid fever question at the first clock in of the day

Brian Sharp 4 years ago in POS 0

When the employee clocks in for the first time of the day, for restaurant protection it would be good to have a toggle manager prompted question on whether or not they have had a fever within the last 24 hours. If they answer yes the system will not let them clock in and it will direct them to their supervisor who would have permission level to let them clock in.


Create a ready to go usual Cocktail list for customers.

Vasu Gambhir 4 years ago in Backoffice 0

Store name  " Penny Lane Pub " suggests creating a ready-to-go cocktail menu for any customer using bar services like Aloha does for their customers. 


Call Center Enhancements

lnegron 4 years ago 0

Callcenter -
1. Report access - Need user restriction for accessing call center reports

2. In reports need another column to have driver assigned so they can input the driver name
3.Delivery service type to be set as default on the order screen

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Ability to Collapse and Expand for Modifiers Groups

Bao Phan 4 years ago in Online Ordering 0

The Modifiers in the Modifier Groups can be long. It will be good if it can be collapse or expand (Default is collapse all except the first Modifier Group)Screen Shot 2021-04-22 at 5.16.07 PM.png


Report Employee Discounts within Sale Recap

Mathew Schultz 4 years ago in Backoffice 0


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Time on kitchen chit

Joyce 4 years ago updated by Hardy Singh 3 years ago 1

Please have the time the item being ordered to print on the kitchen chit. Currently the time in kitchen chit is time the chit was opened, not when items are ordered. We are a full service restaurant and many times people order beverages or appetizers well before they decide to order food. So when the kitchen receives the entree order The time might be 30 minutes prior. Please change this so the time on the kitchen chit is the time those items are placed. Also, the time should also show on the POS screen of what time each item is ordered. We have customers many times say ‘I’ve been waiting for my food over 30 minutes’ and we should be able to go back and look what time that item was ordered. Many times, with past systems, we see it’s only been 20 minutes. So it would be very helpful to see those tomes.



Employee's Being Able to View Other Employee's Schedule

Steven Pulizzotto 4 years ago in Backoffice updated by Hariprasanth J 6 months ago 2