Linga Restaurant Operating System Feature Request Forum


KITCHEN TICKETS PRINTING - "Order Summary" vs "Item Summary" (ANDROID OS)

Adam Urbanski 6 months ago in Printers updated by Sara Donato 6 months ago 5

Introduction:  We have a total of 15 very high-volume Italian/pizza bar-restaurants with an average of 8 workstations per unit. We have just completed our first 9-station store conversion to Linga, but have some reservations.


Linga's Android system DOES have two sections of the ticket they have called "ORDER SUMMARY" (station-specific items only) and "ITEM SUMMARY" (all ticket items w/o modifiers) to allow Line Cooks to see the full ticket for timing, but differentiate those items that they need to be cooking.


          1)    The ITEM SUMMARY items will repeat the items already listed above within the ORDER SUMMARY causing confusion among line cooks mostly, but also utilizes 25% more paper or better. This is unacceptable for high-volume full service establishments where kitchen output is directly related to the efficiency of the line...being able to read tickets from a distance and clearly, quickly decipher next-steps is mission critical.


          2)    The kitchen tickets' ITEM SUMMARY also includes things that are totally irrelevant, like drinks that are also directed to the remote bar service well printers. Imagine what this looks like for a party of 6 or more with appetizers and entrees...the tickets are LONG and confuse cooks with unnecessary items.


          i.    A simple solution is create a logic that will not allow any items from the ORDER SUMMARY to be duplicated within the ITEM SUMMARY. Additionally, certain categories should be able to be excluded; e.g. Beer, Wine, Liquor, etc.

          ii.    The better solution would have been to never create that funky system in the first place, and do what every other POS does... get rid of the sections and have station-specific items in bold w/ mods, the rest of the items regular font w/o mods.


EITHER of these proposed resolutions would be wonderful...whichever is faster, frankly! After 25 years in the business using Aloha, Squirrel, Toast, Micros, Rpower, SkyTab, Digital Dining, and Clover POS...frankly I was shocked to see this clunky of a solution from the founders of Benseron.  It is, however, better than nothing.


Give an option for the kitchen printer to have the payment type.

Kevin 4 years ago in Printers 0

Give an option for the kitchen printer to have the payment type. An example would be if they paid cash or card, we can’t tell if the customer paid with online orders so this way we don’t have to run to the iPad to check instead it would be on the kitchen ticket. Also allow the kitchen printer to show the total of the bill with the tax, fee and tip when they pay online. 


Better Recognition of Order Type on Kitchen Printer

Mathew Schultz 3 years ago in Printers 0

Issue: when there is a lot of information at the top of the kitchen ticket, the order type can be hard to spot.

Request: would be nice to have the OT on its own line and have the ability to print it in RED.

Additionally: the OLO orders are not printing a (GO) next to the item when it is a delivery or a pickup, making the (GO) feature useless because we can no longer rely on it for plating/packaging


Punch / Clock In - Paper Waste

James Harvey 3 years ago in Printers updated by Ryan Nicley 3 years ago 1

I would like to suggest an option within the printer settings where you can toggle the clock in / out tickets on or off. 

There is a vast amount of wasted paper once these are printed as they may not be required.


To Go

Alex 3 years ago in Printers updated by Hariprasanth J 6 months ago 3

Please make "To Go" orders easier to read and not next to each item

Ideally, if it can Say "To Go" at the top and the bottom of the ticket in bold, red lettering


Printer spacing

Ismael 2 years ago in Printers 0

I'm having a huge problem with Linga printer setting. I'm coming from ordersnapp and as you can see with ordersnapp they space out the each item for cookers to see. For Linga everything is all together in one. Nobody can't understand it. As of right now I'm using a pen to split up each item so the cooker can see. I might consider leaving at this point.


Add separator between items on kitchen print

Gerardo L 3 years ago in Printers updated 2 years ago 2

Add a form of separation between every item on kitchen print, could be a line or just a another space (LF on esc/pos), as of now everything prints close together and sometimes causes confusion.


Tracking orders sent to multiple kitchen printers from kitchen printer receipts

Daneil Wehr - inTouch POS 5 years ago in Printers updated by Adam Urbanski 6 months ago 1

Adding a page 1 of 2 and page 2 of 2 at the bottom of the kitchen printer receipt when 1 order is printed at different stations.


Check number 1234 has a sushi order which prints at the sushi bar (page 1 of 3); a dessert order which prints in the kitchen (page 2 of 3) and drinks which print at the bar (page 3 of 3).

This is so that the reception staff know that Check number 1234's order will be received from 3 different departments/stations in the restaurant. 


Kitchen receipt format

Gerardo L 2 years ago in Printers 0

please add an empty line between each item, so it becomes easier to read. On the same note, please add an option to hide modifier quantities on the kitchen receipt. Example for both issues, right now linga prints:

3 ketchup 

3 mustard

3 pickles


2 ketchup

2 pickles

The better way:





                            <----(space here)        





Option to print the order number in a large font size at the top of order receipts

anonymous 3 years ago in Printers 0

option to print the order number in a large font size at the top of order receipts

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