Linga Restaurant Operating System Feature Request Forum


Insight app employee logged in

Brian Sharp 4 years ago in Insights 0

On the insight app, be able to show which employees are clocked in or on break or missing based off of schedule.


Open/Active Sales in Insight App

Ryan Reynolds 4 years ago in Insights 0

Its always good to now what the total is in open tables.


Downloadable (CSV, Excel, Google Sheets) Daily breakdown of Dashboard Metrics

KJJ 9 months ago in Insights 0

Image 270

Can a daily line item breakdown be available for download that lists the same metrics that are shown on the Dashboard?  Currently when a week or month is selected, the metrics are combined without the option to show day by day so its easily able to copy and paste.  COGS for example, you have to click each day and load the metrics to get daily COGS percentage, same for ticket count. Similar to how the system breaks down Net Sales by day but include COGS and transaction count.  See photo

Please reach out with any questions, I'd love to support this initiative in moving forward.


Add "Sale Per Order Type" for Linga Insights mobile App

Dip Patel 5 years ago in Insights updated by Hardy Singh 5 years ago 1


Could you please add "Sale Per Order Type" in the Linga Insights mobile App? We would like to see how many orders we are getting via phone, to go, via dine-in etc. We can currently see that by login into the Linga POS back office but we would like to see on the go in our mobile app everyday.

Thank you,
