Time on kitchen chit
Please have the time the item being ordered to print on the kitchen chit. Currently the time in kitchen chit is time the chit was opened, not when items are ordered. We are a full service restaurant and many times people order beverages or appetizers well before they decide to order food. So when the kitchen receives the entree order The time might be 30 minutes prior. Please change this so the time on the kitchen chit is the time those items are placed. Also, the time should also show on the POS screen of what time each item is ordered. We have customers many times say ‘I’ve been waiting for my food over 30 minutes’ and we should be able to go back and look what time that item was ordered. Many times, with past systems, we see it’s only been 20 minutes. So it would be very helpful to see those tomes.
Customer support service by UserEcho