Linga Restaurant Operating System Feature Request Forum


Employee sales details including side cc breakdown by visa, mc, amex, etc

Krish 4 years ago in Backoffice updated by Hariprasanth J 8 months ago 1

Do you have a report that will give me the sales transactions by employee with a breakdown of side cc by card type with a total quantity and amount at bottom? I have managers who need to reconcile each employee transaction by card type. If there are hundreds of transaction in a day, it's very hard to calculate each cart type for each employee like how many visa transaction did employee A have and what is the amount for Visa for that employee. It's very time consuming. The transaction report is almost there but not very easy to work with without the employee filter.

The ideal report would be the transactions report sort by employee filter added. That way they could pull up only one employee at a time and get total at the bottom. Also it needs to have quantity of card type at the bottom.

You should also allow the top headings like

Check NumberDatePayment NoEmployee NameTender NameCard TypeCard Number
(Last 4-digits)
Auth CodeStatusCC Tip Charge $CC Service Charge $Amount $Tip $

to be sortable by the column I want. For example if I click on card type, it will put all visa together and mastercards together, etc...If I want to sort by amounts or by check number, I would simply click on column header.
Thank you,


Store ID of each store needed for Enterprise locations

Hardy Singh 4 years ago in Backoffice 0

We are in of Store ID associate to each Store in the Linga POS. Right now, we have NO PLACE to put that information. The Store ID should display next to or under the Store Name in all places. You can make it configurable to display Store ID.


Tax option need to add during purchase or reviving inventory items

Ubaid Abdulrehman Billashqam 4 years ago in Backoffice updated by Hardy Singh 2 years ago 2

Online Order Directions

Brad Bryant 4 years ago in Online Ordering 0

Need to have an area after the customer places their order to add directions.

Your clients can add notes to tell customers where to pick up their order, or inform them that they will receive a text when their order is ready if that is enabled.

We should be able to customize this in the back office.


determine a wait time for pickups with online ordering pickup times

Joyce 4 years ago in Online Ordering updated by Hardy Singh 4 years ago 1

if a person places an order at 7:00pm and selects pickup at 7:05pm the system will default out to be a specific time and say 'I am sorry the order will not be available till 7:20pm). there should be a way to change that on our end. If we are slammed on a Friday night I would like to change that to 45 minutes. as of now a customer can elect to pick up a dinner order in 5 minutes which is never do-able

Hardy Singh 3 years ago

We have added web order option for removing S1 from the tickets. 


***Print Kitchen Orders on Bluetooth Printer***

Tigran M 4 years ago 0

We need the option to print kitchen orders on the Bluetooth connected customer receipt printers.

This is particularly needed when there’s no option to connect to IP enabled kitchen printers such as in a food truck environment. 


Web Order - Required Fields

Jeff 5 years ago in Online Ordering updated by Hardy Singh 5 years ago 2

My customers are doing curbside pickup. Besides required fields of Name, Address, Phone Number , etc.  We need Make, Color of Vehicle picking up the curbside order.  We also need pickup time.  All of these would need to print on the Kitchen receipt.


Text Notification- For online orders

Bao Phan 5 years ago in Online Ordering updated by Brad Bryant 5 years ago 2

Need the following alert to be triggered to the phone number associated with the customer when he completes the online order:

*. Text the Customer when the order is SUBMITTED

*. Text the Customer when the order is READY 


Sort Menu Item Print Priority

ash 5 years ago in POS 0

Instead of using coursing, be able to sort the priority of how the menu item shows and also how it prints individually.