Linga Restaurant Operating System Feature Request Forum


Have the Kitchen/Expo Ticket print a PAY or NOT PAID option for Pick-Up/To-Go/Delivery Tickets

Manny Jimenez 11 months ago 0

When a sight has multiple people handling Phone Orders.  Sometimes customer would like to come in and pick-up & pay for their orders (Phone To-Go) or Pay Cash upon delivery aka COD (Cash On Delivery not Call Of Duty). We need something easily identifiable at the Top or Bottom of the Kitchen/Expo Ticket or the Printed Receipt (above or below the customers address) in easy view of the employees view, where it can say [PAID by (insert payment type here)] ex [PAID by CREDIT CARD], [PAID by GIFT CARD] or keep it simple [PAID] or [NOT PAID]


Notifying each kitchen ticket that other printers received tickets on the same order

rgainey 12 months ago updated by Adam Urbanski 6 months ago 2
  • Currently there is no alert on a kitchen ticket that there are items on another printer for the same ticket. Merchants with multiple kitchen printers often do not want every item printing on every printer, but DO want to know when a ticket has items on other printers. For example: a restaurant has a kitchen printer and a pizza printer. When the kitchen receives a ticket, they need to know that a pizza is on the same  order to properly time the food with the pizza. So the kitchen ticket can just identify that there is also item(s) on the pizza printer. However, the kitchen does NOT want to get all the pizza tickets that do not contain items for the kitchen. Other systems I am familiar with will notify each printer that there are items for the other printers on the ticket.

Liquor Modifiers to Food

Danny E 2 years ago 0

Some locations need to keep a balance between food and liquor sold, for their license.

They would like to have some of the modifiers that contribute to the liquor pricing to go into food sold to help them maintain this balance. For example, if you sell a rum and coke, you can charge for the coke and just have that go into a non-liquor Beverage department or Food Modifiers department.

This is easy to do on some point of sale solutions but currently Linga does not have department per modifier.


turn off online ordering temporarily from back office

CCB 2 years ago updated by Hardy Singh 1 year ago 1

I would love to be able to turn off online ordering from the back office so i don't have to go to the business to do that.  Also to schedule closings ahead of time for holidays, vacations, etc.

Hardy Singh 1 year ago

This has been completed. 


Auto clock out

Diana Vidal 3 years ago 0

I want the POS automatically clock employees out. The same way we have the auto cashier out


Force employee to clock in and out

Diana Vidal 3 years ago 0

I want my employees cannot clock in 30 minutes before their time in. 


So if the employee schedule time is from 9 am to 5 pm, they should not be able to clock in before 8:30 am.


Recipe feature added to product/items

Ty Wilson 3 years ago updated by Ryan Nicley 3 years ago 1

Adding a feature for recipes for employees to be able to see in options when they need to see how to make certain cocktails is a request we’ve gotten from multiple restaurant owners.


Schedule Menu Changes

tigran 3 years ago 0

We're receiving requests from merchants who need the ability to save a menu change but not publish it until a certain time/date. It would be a great feature to have the ability to schedule menu changes and have it automatically publish at a chosen date/time. 


CDS not displaying item service charge

Hardy Singh 3 years ago 0

the item service charge on products and items does not show up on only shows the balance after addition.


Left and Right Toppings Organized on POS screen

Steven Pulizzotto 4 years ago 0

Example of POS screen:

1/2 L Meatballs

1/2 L Sausage

1/2 R Pineapple

1/2 R Cheese

Notice it is organized but keeping L / R together