Linga Restaurant Operating System Feature Request Forum


2 Copy for receipt


held till

Dena Adcox 5 years ago 0

It would be extremely convenient if we could hold a till while someone was on lunch break and then reopen the till when they return.  Right now, if you hold a till you can only close it, not reactivate it.  This causes me to have to close out a cashier for their lunch break and then close out their relief after only 30 minutes to try to keep everyone accountable for their funds.


Add "Sale Per Order Type" for Linga Insights mobile App

Dip Patel 5 years ago in Insights updated by Hardy Singh 5 years ago 1


Could you please add "Sale Per Order Type" in the Linga Insights mobile App? We would like to see how many orders we are getting via phone, to go, via dine-in etc. We can currently see that by login into the Linga POS back office but we would like to see on the go in our mobile app everyday.

Thank you,



Remove "Each" from Online Ordering

Dave 5 years ago in Kitchen Display System (KDS) updated by Hardy Singh 5 years ago 1

Kitchen ticket reads "Each" under the quantity of item.  We would like it to list each separate item.  For example right now if someone orders 3 pretzels it will read:

 "3 Each" Giant Pretzel

We would like it to read:

Giant Pretzel

Giant Pretzel

Giant Pretzel


Alternate Modifier group in Web Order

Derrick 5 years ago in Zenpepper/Zenfoody updated by anonymous 4 years ago 4

Right now it doesnt work at all in web order. Would be nice to have ability to sub pizza toppings for example


how to add open modifier to open items

saljrfish 5 years ago in POS updated by Michael 5 years ago 2

Servers can open the same table on different iPad until first opened table order is not sent in Kitchen

Hardys. 5 years ago in POS 0

Macaluso's is complaining that Servers can open the same check on two iPad at the same time. Means he wants if one server selected the table and adding items and items didn't send to the kitchen yet, the system will not update the same on the second iPad that table is open and the second server can open the same table on the second iPad.


Create Separate Toggle for Service Charge in Front End Receipt Template

Lily Negron 5 years ago in Backoffice 0

Image 120

Instead of including Service Charge in the toggle for Tax Summary under Settings>Printer Configuration>Front End Recipt, crate a separate toggle. This way you can turn it on or off depending if you actually have a service charge set up on the Store Settings of Back Office. Picture included shows LEFT with Tax Summary, RIGHT without Tax Summary.


API query

Chang 5 years ago in Backoffice updated by Hardy Singh 4 years ago 2

We would like to use API method to pull transactions information from the back office. For example, give us all the transactions from Mar10-7am to Mar04-12pm along with all the details corresponding to each transaction such as purchased items, discount items, void items, refund items, total, tax and payment where applicable.