Linga Restaurant Operating System Feature Request Forum
Loyalty does not work
I've just spent an hour setting up a points based loyalty only to find that it doesn't work when using the WEB version of POS
We can't go live without this working on the web version
button text colour
its great that the item buttons can be any colour or have a picture.. but it would help if the text colour could also be changed
if I use a Yellow button you can hardly read the white text
Sync between BO and Schedular
The sync happens from Back office to schedule but not from Schedule to Back office. The employee created in the Back office will show on the Schedule app, but employee created on Schedule app will not in Back office."
Need to sync between BO and Schedular.
summarise same items on receipt print
if two cokes are orderd, display as 2 x coke on the receipt
currenty we get
1 x coke
1x coke
blank line between menu items on KOT
Its very hard to read KOT when there is no blank line between menu items
a blank line between each menu item would help the chefs clearly see what are modifiers and what are meal items
Inventory Label Print
It would be amazing to have the ability to print inventory labels
Often Chefs will cook a batch of Soup and then portion it out into smaller containers for freezing... we need the product name and date on a label for each portion . Same goes for other inventory items.... we often break down a large container into smaller containers and again we need labels for the portion container.
if we could print x number of labels from the Inventory product screen it would really help the chefs
Role adjustment for pay rate visibility
We have a few locations where managers need the ability to set the schedule and add a user but the owners do not want transparency when it comes to pay rates. It would be nice to have a slider to restrict the ability to see pay rates of employees as that can have a very negative effect when a location does not have everyone at a similar pay rate.
swip Include Modifier should deduct price of item
The Swiping of a Includes modifer MUST deduct the sale price of that item else you can't use it to alter the cost of a meal
Product/Items: Backoffice needs the option NOT TO APPLY ONE OR ALL DISCOUNTS to a specefic item
The condition is: A bar has a special discount for alcohol products. Their menu is organized into Department: LIQUOR and by sub-categories like Rum, Tequila, Vodka, Whiskey, etc. Each sub-category has about 20 to 30 items. This discount IS NOT APPLY TO THE SUPER PREMIUM ALCOHOL ITEMS that are inside those sub-categories.
Currently, I will have to create the discount. Select the level as MENU ITEM and then enter every single NOT SUPER PREMIUM menu item in the selection list. This means I have to select more than 80 items one by one.
By adding an option in PRODUCT/ITEM that would work similarly to "Restrict Service Types From Kitchen Print" but for DISCOUNTS. I would be able to create this discount more efficiently:
Create Discount VIP-PARTY
Level: Department
"Restrict Discount": VIP-PARTY
Done. Very simple.
Role Authority
A. - Currently for the Role of Cashier:
- In the Role "Cashier" under POS, the function of "DISCOUNT" is Disabled.
- When a Cashier selects a "Discount" the system pops open a screen for a Manager to enter their PIN NUMBER to allow the Discount to be entered onto the ticket. This works properly snd takes 1 Step (Manager entering PIn Number) to move forward.
B - Now the merchant is seeking the same functionality as above:
- In the Role of "Cashier" under POS Operations the function of PAY IN/OUT is Disabled.
- When the Cashier selects PAY IN/OUT, they want the system to pop up the same screen for a Manager to enter their PIN NUMBER to allow for the Cashier to enter a PAY IN/OUT similar to the ability when they select DISCOUNT in the above example. This would allow for 1 Step (Manager entering PIn Number) to move forward.
- As of now, it requires 8 steps..... see below:
- The current Cashier would need to Logout.
- Then the Manager needs to Login
- Go to Operations
- Go to Till Management
- Select Pay In/Out
- Enter the amount
- Then logout
- And the Cashier needs to Login again.
- All of that has to occur rather than simply a pop-up window appearing to allow a Manager to simply enter their Pin number to allow for PAY IN/OUT.
Customer support service by UserEcho