Product/Items: Backoffice needs the option NOT TO APPLY ONE OR ALL DISCOUNTS to a specefic item
The condition is: A bar has a special discount for alcohol products. Their menu is organized into Department: LIQUOR and by sub-categories like Rum, Tequila, Vodka, Whiskey, etc. Each sub-category has about 20 to 30 items. This discount IS NOT APPLY TO THE SUPER PREMIUM ALCOHOL ITEMS that are inside those sub-categories.
Currently, I will have to create the discount. Select the level as MENU ITEM and then enter every single NOT SUPER PREMIUM menu item in the selection list. This means I have to select more than 80 items one by one.
By adding an option in PRODUCT/ITEM that would work similarly to "Restrict Service Types From Kitchen Print" but for DISCOUNTS. I would be able to create this discount more efficiently:
Create Discount VIP-PARTY
Level: Department
"Restrict Discount": VIP-PARTY
Done. Very simple.
Customer support service by UserEcho