Linga Restaurant Operating System Feature Request Forum


Audit logs that go back longer then 3 months

Shawn 5 months ago in Backoffice 0

3 months on audit logs is a very short time.

It is important to be able to go back and determine who changed what and when.

Especially in the financial industry. 

 When i worked on websites we had years of detailed audit logs that told us exactly who made what change and when. And these websites were not even money related and only was used to list houses for sale. A fully functioning audit log is a basic feature, know what made what change when is a very important feature of any service where multiple people can make changes. 


Save preferred column selections in Products/Items Screen

Ryan Nicley 6 months ago in Backoffice 0

Hi Team,

We have a feature request to save column selection preferences when using the Products/Items screen. Whether we are on Menu Items or Retail Items, we would like to customize the column selections to show only the columns we want to see and have those selections save so that if we go aware for that screen and come back, it doesn't revert back to the default column selections.

I created a video to show you what I mean.

I would be nice to be able to customize each tab (Menu Items and Retail Items) and perhaps it is saved as the logged in users preference so each user could customize to the view they preferred. However, just being able to customize it and save it for all users would be great.


Item Discount Less Than Price

matt dorzok 7 months ago in Backoffice 0

You cannot create an discount to reduce the price of an item if an item exists that is priced less then the discount.  

I need to create a $10 off any appetizer discount, but because there is an appetizer in the category that is $9.95 I can’t.  The discount cannot be more than the price of any item in an allowed category.    

I need to create a $1 off any item discount, but because they have water at $0, I can’t.  

The discount should be allowed to be created, if there is an item prices lower then it should just discount to item to $0. 


Transfer Logs

Briton 8 months ago in Backoffice 0

Need the ability to review transfers made by managers and servers. Example: A manager transfers a table or item from one server to another. Info wanted: User(manager/server), ticket info, time/date. 


Cash Discount fee on Sale Recap Report

Mathew Schultz 11 months ago in Backoffice 0

Request is to have JUST the fee in a separate field so the SHOGO export can import this into QuickBooks.  Currently, there is no way and has to be manually adjusted.


Bring back min/max Quantity for Optional Modfier Groups.

Grouchos 11 months ago in Backoffice 0

The max is what is needed here, especially with Chowly or other olo integrations. It did exist before the new back office came out. E.g., Sub cheese would be an optional modifier; if you have 4 cheese options in the group with no max rule, the customer could add all four. Basically setting you up for a service failure or customer disappointment. Many optional modifiers need to be capped, especially on a customer-facing menu like Chowly or, for us, our own digital ordering platform. 


Issue when importing menu items. Conversational option is getting turned off when I import.

Ryan Nicley 12 months ago in Backoffice 0

I have noticed that when I am exporting and importing menus to make updates. My menu items, Categories, and Sub Categories get switched back to not being in Conversational mode after I import and I have to go back in and manually update after I import to turn it back on.


restrict discounts that can be combined

Andy C 1 year ago in Backoffice 0

Customer wants the ability to allow discounts to be combined with other discounts, but to be able to restrict which discounts it can combine with.


Role adjustment for pay rate visibility

Jason G 1 year ago in Backoffice 0

We have a few locations where managers need the ability to set the schedule and add a user but the owners do not want transparency when it comes to pay rates.  It would be nice to have a slider to restrict the ability to see pay rates of employees as that can have a very negative effect when a location does not have everyone at a similar pay rate.


Product/Items: Backoffice needs the option NOT TO APPLY ONE OR ALL DISCOUNTS to a specefic item

andy 1 year ago in Backoffice 0

The condition is: A bar has a special discount for alcohol products. Their menu is organized into Department: LIQUOR and by sub-categories like Rum, Tequila, Vodka, Whiskey, etc. Each sub-category has about 20 to 30 items. This discount IS NOT APPLY TO THE SUPER PREMIUM ALCOHOL ITEMS that are inside those sub-categories.

Currently, I will have to create the discount. Select the level as MENU ITEM and then enter every single NOT SUPER PREMIUM menu item in the selection list. This means I have to select more than 80 items one by one.

By adding an option in PRODUCT/ITEM that would work similarly to "Restrict Service Types From Kitchen Print" but for DISCOUNTS. I would be able to create this discount more efficiently:

Create Discount VIP-PARTY

             Level: Department



            "Restrict Discount": VIP-PARTY


Done. Very simple.