Linga Restaurant Operating System Feature Request Forum


Phone CALL notification for a new web order

Pizzati 2 years ago in Zenpepper/Zenfoody updated 2 years ago 1

Is there a way to receive a phone call when receiving an online order? I know we can receive a text/message or an email (and a notification also shows on the POS), but the chief said sometimes because the oven and refrigerators are so loud, he doesn't hear the kitchen printer. and the front desk sometimes doesn't have a dedicated employee to see a POS notification. 


Shift timing in OLO / Call Center

jkumar 4 years ago in Zenpepper/Zenfoody 0


Could you please add shift timings for zenpepper/call centre, similar to our Linga back office timings.

Thanks & Regards,


Zenpepper scroll bar for modifier list

Ensar 4 years ago in Zenpepper/Zenfoody 0

Partner called regard to TUCCI'S SOUTHSIDE SUBS zenpepper website. He said there is no scroll bar in website which can indicate that there is more items available

Like in this photo No indication that there is more items available if they scroll up/down. This kind of scroll bar he asked for.


Online Ordering

Robert Borgia 5 years ago in Zenpepper/Zenfoody 0

If a customer has their payment information saved, please show the Quick Pay tab by default and not "New Card" option


Alternate Modifier group in Web Order

Derrick 5 years ago in Zenpepper/Zenfoody updated by anonymous 4 years ago 4

Right now it doesnt work at all in web order. Would be nice to have ability to sub pizza toppings for example