Linga Restaurant Operating System Feature Request Forum


Enterprise Level Customer Add for Online Ordering

Shawn Swartman 6 months ago in Customers updated by Hariprasanth J 6 months ago 1

When a customer places an order at a store that is part of an enterprise account, it should be an option to have the customer added to ALL stores on order. We have a client now that has to manually export and import all customers in order for the customer to be present on each store. This is huge for loyalty module. 


Multiple Customers require same telephone number Work also need to search by this number

SEan Rowland 3 years ago in Customers 0

Also due to multiple persons working in the same building using the same number they cannot save these is there away we can allow this where I can save the same number against multiple customers?


Customer Login From Customer Display

Andrew Van Luven 4 years ago in Customers updated by Hardy Singh 4 years ago 1

Before a new transaction is started, we should have an option to ask for customer phone number on the customer display. 

If the phone number is found it will bring up the account. If not the customer can enter in a name to create an account

Hardy Singh 4 years ago

This is already available, please enable the Customer Display Profile in BO and then press "Walkin" on POS.