Linga Restaurant Operating System Feature Request Forum


Add Customer Name to Merchant receipt

sylviaportillo326 5 years ago in Payments updated by Hardy Singh 4 years ago 2

There is the option too add customer name to kitchen receipt and customer copy but not the copy that we keep. It would be helpful for when there are issues that we need to look into after the fact. 


Add Tax for flexible Gratuity in UK

Milenko 2 weeks ago in Payments 0

Gratuity is being calculate differently in UK and we need this changed ( or given possibility to change it via Back Office ) so can make sure it calculates Gratuity on the totals, tax included.


Credit Card Transaction Numbers

FITFO 5 months ago in Payments 0

Create a transaction number just for credit card transactions. This way, we can order them by the number so we can verify tips easier and faster.  

The other locations that we have with our business all have transaction numbers that are different from the check number. 


Remaining balance

teddy 8 months ago in Payments 0

When a partial payment is made by credit card that is not a split check, a remaining balance should pop up on the screen informing the user that the check was not fully paid


Order Type Based Service Charge

FloridaPOS 9 months ago in Payments 0

We need an automatic service charge on only To-Go orders for example.


Refund orderr

David W 1 year ago in Payments 0

Please make refunds available per items for same day instead of refunded whole ticket and recharging items .This is creating  a unnecessary charge for people who are paying with credit.


Add the ability to add gratuity/tip for future orders where payment has already been collected

donald jones 3 years ago in Payments 0

Some customers take a lot of future orders, and by taking payment upfront they limit themselves in their ability to add tips/gratuity when the customer picks up the order. Currently the only workaround is to leave a future check open as unpaid, but this is not ideal as it increases the risk of food waste. There should be an ability to add a tip to a future order at a later date after initial payment has been taken.


Select and Close Out Multiple Tickets to Cash

Sean Tinsman 4 years ago in Payments 0

In the active checks window we would like to be able to select multiple tickets at a time to pay with cash. This would speed up the process of closing out cash tickets . Currently you have to pay each individual ticket one at a time.