Your comments

There is an option for you to choose different colors for the back ground. you select the setting option on the kiosk on the top left and it will ask for a pin. the pin number is 1234 and then you have 5 colors to choose from. If this is not what you are looking for please let me know.

The other 2 request we are looking in to for you.

This function is going to be available on 2.1.21 (1.1) Version you will have to replace the order button with Discount and search. Example below. This version should be available by next week. Please check next week for this version.


We have a Clock out feature coming out within the 60 days. We will update you once it is out in production.

Michael Berg | Senior Product Manager

Tel: 239-205-3522 | | Shop hardware & accessories


This is already in the making once completed we will let you know.

Michael Berg | Senior Product Manager

Tel: 239-205-3522 | | Shop hardware & accessories


Discount by seat I do not have any request as you can do discount by item and choose the discount. We are working on where you will be able to select more then one item and be able to apply the same discount.

As for the transferring seats you can  do transfer by item and select more then one item and then choose what check you want it to go to but there must be a check already open.

Michael Berg | Senior Product Manager

Tel: 239-205-3522 | | Shop hardware & accessories