
Discount By Seat Not Check/Item and Move Seat to Different Order Type

Tigran M 5 years ago updated by Michael 5 years ago 1

Need the ability to discount specific seat in a table. So if there are 2 seats in one table, we need to apply discount to only 1 seat and not the other. 

Also if 1 seat moves to Bar but the 2nd seat stays in the Table we want to be able to do that.


Discount by seat I do not have any request as you can do discount by item and choose the discount. We are working on where you will be able to select more then one item and be able to apply the same discount.

As for the transferring seats you can  do transfer by item and select more then one item and then choose what check you want it to go to but there must be a check already open.

Michael Berg | Senior Product Manager

Tel: 239-205-3522 | mberg@lingapos.com

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