
Edit Forced Punch In / Clock In

Danny E 1 year ago in Backoffice updated by Joyce 1 year ago 2

It would be useful to edit an in punch without having to wait for that user to be clocked out.

Some owners (like one I just spoke to, for instance) are there early in the morning but leave before that employee might be punching out. They'll have to remember to come back later and edit in punches before finalizing payroll.


Yes. I literally just ran into this with a manager this week. It would be a good feature to be able to edit the punch in time even of the user has not clocked out yet.


I did notice that with the 5.0 update that this is possible. If you are on the sign on screen and you enter an admin or manager code then click on active employees it is possible to edit the punch in times while employee is still clocked in. It is also possible to clock employees out this way when the employee forgets to clock out