
View Employee Pin

Ethan Yoo 2 years ago in Backoffice updated by Ryan Nicley 8 months ago 4

It is essential that managers, or at the very least admins have access to see the login pin of the employees.
Basic feature to change the whole procedure of having to adjust hours. 

Willing to provide specific use cases. 

Heartland & Clover both have this functionality. I have full access to both without signing any NDAs so please do ask questions.

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Yes. This needs to be a feature so a manager or administrator can see the employee pin.

yes I agree. I have to go to some convoluted process by highlighting the pin then doing a web inspect and deleting code. That is crazy! It shouldn’t be that difficult!


Hi Ryan, 

This has been implemented in the New UI. Can you check and confirm?

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Yes, I have seen it in the new UI