
Remove tutorial videos that are not working.

Ryan Nicley 3 years ago in Backoffice updated by Hariprasanth J 8 months ago 7

Would it be possible to remove the various tutorial videos in the back office that are not working? It would be great to have them working or have updated videos, but in the meantime, I think it leaves a bad impression when someone clicks on the video and it doesn't work. 

Hey Ryan, We are checking this request. Can you please provide some examples you noticed? 

Thank you, Hardy,

I looked through a few of my customer's stores and didn't see them really. However, in my demo store, I'm seeing them.

I see them at the Enterprise level in Loyalty, Enterprise Reports, Account Users, Royalty/Franchise, Customers, Group, IOT/Nest, Licenses and MailChimp. In my demo store, I see them in various pages within products and items, Inventory Items, User Management, and Customers.

It appears to only be showing in my demo account from what I'm seeing. Sorry for the confusion. Perhaps my demo account is not updated.


Hi. I have the same problem - inaccessible videos throughout the entire dashboard, for all Admins. It looks really unprofessional as Admins try to learn the system.

Hey Ryan and Rich 

Are you guys still experiencing the same issue? 

I haven't noticed it recently.