
Tax Exempt Details Report

Mike Warren 3 years ago in Backoffice 0

Need to be able to view tax exempt details within the reports.  Currently there is no easy process in which to view check details for tax exempt transactions.  

Example - There is a tax report currently and tax exempt is nothing more than a line item with no way to validate it.  In order to view details, you have to go into the Daily Report for 1 single day only, do a search for tax amount of $0.00 and then filter out gift card transactions and hopefully what is left is your tax exempt.  This is neither efficient nor user friendly.  

Desired outcome - Within the tax report as well as other reports, have a tax exempt line item but make it to where you can click it to gather additional information like check numbers (which can then be drilled down into).  You shouldn't have to do a search day by day and then hunt for this information.  In the event of an audit you don't have an easy ability to gather information digitally.