
format for credit card OLO

Joyce 4 years ago in Online Ordering updated by Hardy Singh 4 years ago 3

I have had many customers that have requested that a 'ghost' format (MM/YYYY) be shown in the credit card information box when placing an online order. It is very confusing because they are not sure to enter a 4-digit year or 2-digit year. Also there should be a format for entering a card number. Many people type their card number in 4 digit blocks. It is very difficult to type a 15-16 digit string and many people get frustrated and therefore abandon the process. Maybe an 'auto-format' for the card number to include a space after every 4 digits (#### #### #### ####)?? Or with an AMEX card do an auto-format such as #### ###### #####. This would help with card validations and many frustrated customers.


Joyce, we made the changes to the credit card entry. Can you please check again and let me know?