
Inventory Depletion for Online Ordering

Andrew Van Luven 5 years ago in Online Ordering updated by Hardy Singh 3 years ago 12

Currently, Online ordering has no form of menu depletion to restrict selling products when sold out. We need the Online Ordering to sync with inventory and the 86 counts on the iPad. 

The 86 system works great on the iPad but without it available & syncing to Online Ordering it does not work for certain business models. 

During the Covid-19 pandemic is when this feature is needed the most. 


Any update on this?  This would help many of our clients.


I had this question from a prospect this week. This is a critical feature for OLO. Would love to see this!!


Yes this would be very helpful. A of now as soon as the kitchen 86's something I need to jump online and turn the item off before someone orders.


I know this is in the works, but with OLO become so much more popular, I am getting this question a lot. How close are we to having an option for this?


we would love to see this feature as well! we are in need of a quick and easy way to 86 items from OLO, not just the iPad itself (having to enable the item in the back office to be eligible to be 86ed, then sync, then update the count on the iPad, or change quantity to 0) all while not being able to sell it online if it really is sold out.

is this feature available yet?


86 list for OLO is in progress. 

How is this coming? I have a couple of merchants and prospects looking at OLO and I'm hoping this feature will be ready soon.

This is available in production.