
Surge ordering online orders

omer 5 years ago in Online Ordering updated by Hardy Singh 4 years ago 3

If a client is getting a surge in online orders , the system should analyze the backlog of orders and provide an updated estimation of approximate wait time for deliver or pickup.

Some sort of order throttling for OLO is a huge request. Having this kind of functionality where the system could analyze the volume going to the kitchen from both dine-in and online orders would be amazing. However, some small steps would be great as we work toward it.

Being able to set a lead time so online orders would not all be ASAP would be nice.

Another idea would be to have programmable throttling that could be programmed for day parts or time of day.

For example... have a time segment variable (5, 10, 15, 30 or custom minutes) and an order variable that the merchant could customize.

For example... the merchant could enter 15 mins as their segment time and then 10 as their order volume. The OLO system would only allow 10 orders to be submitted within a 15 min cycle. If the order got to 10, the next order would be forced to move to the next 15 minute pickup window.

Hope that makes sense.


Order Throttling for OLO is completed and released to production. All settings are available on OLO settings page. Release notes will be available in Knowledge Base.