
Hide select modifiers for online ordering

Mark Z 5 years ago in Backoffice updated by Hardy Singh 3 years ago 5

Need a way to hide modifier items online.  This happens quite often where you have more limitations online then what a restaurant would allow


Our business needs this as well. As for the EASE OF USE design, we want our Web Order and Mobile Order to Simple and EASY OF USE as much as possible. There are certain modifiers which only our Cashier knows what to do and for internal use for complex order of beverages. These Modifiers are not supposed to expose to CUSTOMERS. We want CUSTOMERS able to do simple selection only. Therefore, the need to disable Modifiers is critical to us.


Bump up for attention!

We too need this for many of our sites.  There are numerous modifiers that would be for servers to use in-house, and we want to limit what the OLO customers can see/modify.  Please put some attention to this request.


This would be a great feature.  Thumbs up on this!