Your comments

Good Morning Yves, 

The request that you are looking for can be done currently, you would just need to create a separate payment method for each of your card types (VISA, MC, AMEX, Other) and then click the appropriate button to have it differentiate on your reports. 

Hope this helps with your request for now. -- Technical Support

Contacted the customer, and discussed concerns about loyalty, customer is all set - Technical Support

Contacted the customer, and discussed concerns about loyalty, customer is all set  - Technical Support

Thank you for your feedback about the Loyalty points, there is a way to add more points to a customer loyalty account, as well as extract all customer data from the system. If you would be so kind as to reach out to our customer support division, we can have someone assist you with your loyalty needs. Looking forward to hearing from you

Also employees to be able to see their total hours on the ipad

Customer also requested Role Based screens, example servers to table screen, bartenders to bar tab screen, cashier to POS til screen

received another vote for this

received another vote on this