
Mass Force Void during close day should have a confirmation, and not allow users to void transactions with payments

Brad Bryant 1 year ago in POS 0

During Close Day there is a function that lets users "Force Void" active checks. There are a few issues that come up with this function. 

1) There is no confirmation warning the user that they are about to instantly void ALL active checks.

2) The Force Void creates report discrepancies. It appears that the voided transactions are still included in the reports. In the case where a closer accidentally voided $200 worth of online transactions we see that they still got paid, even though now that payment history is gone in reports(I notice that some sales figures still accounted for the payments, just not any payments, or menu Item reports)

3) I think the application should force users to resolve ANY transactions that have payments within the transaction itself. The close day has a transaction list, this should guide the user straight to the transaction to resolve

4) Our stores typically close all cashiers before going through the close-day checklist. If there is an active check the close all cashiers button will bring up the mass void function before they can even see the active transaction list leading to an accidental mass void instance. That transaction list should show up here so it can be resolved otherwise we will run into issues again.