
86 List from FOH

Jason G 2 years ago in POS updated by ryan fogarty 2 years ago 1

If a restaurant is busy or a manager is not available, it's not possible to add an item to the 86 list.  It would be very helpful to be able to add something to the 86 list without going into back office first.

To add onto this .. Just having the requirement to to have a count on something is not practical .. for things such as Burgers .. you have X amount of burger patties in house used in 5 different varieties of burgers you can not keep an accurate count across all 5 items...

Having the ability to put -1 for unlimited until changing it to 0 would be a great solution..

You can mark everything eligible to be 86ed on the item level so you don't clutter the 86 list but don't need to put in a count until you need to or change it back to 0 to make it unavailable.

Same example could be made for modifiers .. "Add Avocado" currently the only way to 86 this for online ordering would be hide the modifier for online ordering which isn't practical in many restaurant environments.

Having the ability to 86 it in the list and it reflect in the POS and on Zenfoody would be essential.