
Discount by seat or check just one time

Joseph Cover 2 years ago updated by Ethan Yoo 2 years ago 1

Need the ability to discount specific seat or check in a table. So if there are 2 seats/checks in one table, we need to apply discount to only 1 seat/check and not the other. This is a simple thing I don’t understand why is this so difficult. 


Hey Joseph,

On the top left (of the POS screen), there is a table breakdown, so it’ll say “T1” for example, if you tap that it’ll give you a summary of the whole table, to which you can apply a discount to the whole table. 
Just under that you can tap “1”, “2”, or “3”, and it’ll open up the checks for each of those seats individually, you can then apply a discount to that seat alone. 

Hope this answered your question, feel free to reach out anytime! 
