
Submit Batch Confirmation/Warning

Kota Oiwa 5 years ago updated by Joree 12 months ago 4

Have a pop up warning/alert for confirming batch submit after pressing "Submit Batch" button in Operations -> Batch/Tip Adjustment.

Example: "Are you sure you want to submit batch? Yes/No"


I was about to submit this same request. This would definitely help prevent accidental batches.


We just had a merchant request this feature after submitting their batch by accident. It would be better to make it optional and give the merchant the option to enable/disable Submit Batch confirmation. 


I agree. I downloaded the new version and I went to print the batch, but because linga switched the ‘print’ and ‘submit’ positions I accidentally submitted before printing. A warning would have prevented this

This is a great suggestion. Merchants call all the time about an employee submitting batch before tips were completed. A confirmation would resolve those issue dramatically.