
Tips and Close till cash expected

EPS Support 5 years ago 0

There currently is a setting to enable tips to be auto paid out. Which takes it out of the cashier and sales recap totals. This however does not do an actual paid out of the drawer so it shows short. They can manually add a paid out for tips to balance. I would like a tab to turn on that will automatically do that so the cash expected in the Close Till screen shows the post tips removed total. 

Currently, $100 in cash sales and $20 in CC tips. It will still see $100 in the drawer. The employees take the tips out, so the drawer is now short by $20. The sales recap and cashier out will show $80 in cash, but the drawer doesn't.

This would enable the cash drawer to automatically take the tips out of the expected cash on the Close Till screen without needing to do an additional pay out to make the drawer balance. 

I do have multiple locations asking about this feature.