Under review

Digital tipping screen to show after payment processed

Ryan Nicley 7 months ago in POS updated 7 months ago 3

It would be very nice to have the option to show the digital tip screen after the payment is processed on an iPad or tablet instead of only being able to show it before the payment is processed. Some of our customers feel like it's out or order in the payment process.

Hey Ryan, 

We already changed this flow in Go devices, I hope you have checked that out. We have not received great feedback from many merchants, they do like the before payment, we are reviewing this flow to add more settings. I will keep you posted on this. 

Thanks Hardy, I have not deployed LingaGo but I was told this flow worked on it. I have played with it on my Android phone and I should probably start to look at it more for tableside options. I have stuck with iPads due to knowing them well and all the features being there.