Separate cashier out reports for employees who work two different shifts or two different roles in the same day.

Joree 10 months ago in POS 0

In restaurants and bars, employees will often work 2 shifts in the same day (working a double). If the employee cashiers out for the morning shift and continues working or if the employee cashiers out, clocks out, then clocks in under a different role, it should separate the reports so they can see what they owe the house for each shift. 

Ex. If an employee works as a bartender and uses the drawer for lunch. They should be able to cashier out, clock out, then clock in as a server for dinner. The server should have a way to separate the reports so they can see what they owe the house for the dinner shift. This should also occur if an employee works server for morning and lunch, cashiers out and comes back later to work the dinner shift. Right now, they have to complete math by subtracting the morning shift from the night shift and that could lead to errors.