

Manny Jimenez 11 months ago updated 11 months ago 2

Have the ability to Take Delivery Orders and have the ability to close the check without having to Select a Driver and clicking on Departure / Arrival

Take a DELIVERY ORDER over the phone. Take their Payment info over the phone and select submit to close the Check ASAP.

Yes, this would be nice to have.

I just got a 3rd request for this feature.

Our Crispy competitor can do this.  

Please keep in mind that not all restaurants have a dedicated person to take orders and manage the drivers.  They just want to order and go.

1 - Answer the Phone

2 - Take Customer info 

3 - Take Customers Order

4 - Take Customers Credit Card Payment or Cash Payment

5 - Once Credit Card goes through or Cash Payment is applied

    a- Items get sent to the Kitchen/Prep Stations

    b- Closes check

    c- Prints an Itemized Customer Receipt at the Expo printer for the Driver (Optional)


Right Now

1 - Answer the Phone

2 - Take Customer info

3 - Take Customers Order

4 - Take Customers Credit Card Payment or Cash Payment

5 - Once Credit Card goes through

6 - Go Back into Phone Order Screen

7 - Select a Driver

8 - Select Check/s

9 - Hit Departure

when driver comes back

10 - Select each check individually

11 - Hit Arrive!

12 - Select Submit for Cash Payments