
Add customer to the sale by swiping or scanning

John Blignaut 4 years ago in Webpos updated by Hardy Singh 4 years ago 5

We want to be able to link a magnetic card or a barcode to a customer. When they arrive at the pos terminal they can swipe their card or we can scan their barcode to link them to the sale. We should also have a security settings in roles that prevents a certain roll from linking a customer to a sale.

When using membership with allowance it is very easy to steal if there is no security in place

Below is an example of what it think could possibly work.

Under review

How customer will show Barcode? we do have a barcode option with a custom OLO app. 

If we wanted a truly contactless and secure way to do this we could also make use of a OTP (one time pin normally random 4 digits) when a waiter or barman wants to add a customer it sends an OTP to that customers cellphone. This will also be the easiest way to make it work on all platforms(Ipad, Android and browser) and will require no extra devices like card readers. This will also give the customer piece of mind that his / her account is secure.

This will slow down the operation in high pace environment. 


We have completed the barcode based customer scanning, barcode is available with a custom olo app and only the customer can show the barcode to open the profile. This way it is secure and also we are restricting employees to add customer profiles.